Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) today announced that Jamil Jabr from St Paul, Minneapolis had been appointed as the F4J Co-ordinator for the United States.
Jamil attended the recent F4J Co-ordinators Conference in the UK and was given 3 days training on campaigning, media management, fund raising and direct action participating in his involvement in a direct action protest in London. He later attended an F4J Benefit Gig at the Comedy Store, Leicester Square, London. F4J also confirmed that the official launch will happen at the beginning of 2005. Said F4J Founder Matt O'Connor "The launch of F4J in the United States has taken time and planning but we now have a strategy and plan which we hope to roll out across the US. Jamil has received thorough training and we wish him the best of luck with what will be a Herculean task. We hope that every parent in the US concerned about equal parenting rights will support Jamil and F4J."
How do I join? I live in South Carolina, my son lives in New York. I get to see him 1 month out of the year and a week at spring break. He is ten and he needs his dad more than ever, but New York court doesn't seem to care. Would love more info! Thank You David
Posted by: David Dent | November 19, 2004 at 05:04 PM
I'll be glad to hear from anyone who is interested in being a part of Fathers-4-Justice style direct action that will soon be taking place in the US. Please drop me a line. I'm coordinating efforts now.
Posted by: Jamil Jabr | November 22, 2004 at 03:45 AM
Its sad to say but Fathers 4 Justice has a long road before them. The Departments of Child and Family Services in the localized States will be a strong inhibitor as well as the courts. Due to the long time standing of unless the mother has about beat the kid to death, the fathers rights do not stand up in any american court, precendence of previous legal actions took care of that...thats unless that father wants to go through 20K in legal expenses and drag his child through numerous psych studies...to which no true loving father wants to put any of their kids through that. I have been divorced 10 years now...and to this day most any lawyer will still state that the courts are on the side of the mothers. I know this is so negative but I do hope you can accomplish something for the true loving fathers in the future.
Posted by: FloridaFather | November 23, 2004 at 08:14 PM
Angry Harry, Mens News Daily, Jamil Jabr, Stephen Baskervil, Glenn Sacks, Roger F Gay, ACFM, SPIG, Families Need Fathers: you all seem to be repeating the same old reccord over and over and over. Indeed Fathers for Justice, you yourselves inspite of your creditable political activity, have failed to grasp the nettle wholistically, wretching at but the flimsiest aspect of misandries degredation whilst remaining unmoved by the totality of the squalour.
Today as a docile, mass apolitical-masculine species you are beheld across the western world as appropriate beasts of toil, burden and death. You rightly are treated as such because of your very species-innate-apoliticality. Your docility is of the beast of burden hence your world historical denigration, enyokment, incarceration and enslavement unto death. You are apolitical by your very nature as mass males. A docile species simply needs to exist to assume the role of burdens beasts. No matter that youve done no wrong, committed no violence nor treason, no sedition evil or crime and otherwise.These are irrelevant. Your existence as male in itself fullfils the conditin-precedent required of species historically appropriated for humankinds burdens.
Posted by: lkjkjgdddcv | November 24, 2004 at 04:30 PM
My wife took my son to Florida from Maryland to live with her wealthy Lawyer Step-Father. I have not seen my son since 6-5-04 and encounter one delay and excuse after another by the courts and by her.
I need to be active and am in need of support.
Posted by: Paul E. Sielski Sr. | November 26, 2004 at 01:38 AM
the courts' connection to fatherlessness needs exposure at this time. i would like to help. please contact me to advise re a state side group.
Posted by: dennis | November 26, 2004 at 07:53 AM
The war being fought is against a sophisticated army staffed by GENERALS of the family court system, LIUTENNANT GENERALS of the social services directorate, BRIGADIERS of the state welfare and child support management systems, FEILD COMMANDERS of the innnumerable parasite-victim avocates and lawyers, and also the PLATOON LEGIONS of the very predatory victim parasites themeselves.
Posted by: lkjhgfds | November 26, 2004 at 07:40 PM
I live here in Sioux Falls, SD. I've given my donation and signed on as an official member. Tell me when and where and I'm there as I've also experienced what many other father's/husbands have. We need to act just as quickly here as those in the UK have. No longer should we be made to feel we are fighting a lost cause.
Posted by: Demetrius Brooks | November 28, 2004 at 05:23 AM
Always bear in mind what we are fighting. The parasitic beast is entitled to what-ever it can get from Men. Mens person, Mens property and Mens progeny. What-ever the parasitic-beast can get is by retrospect its right. Your reactions to preserve your person, prperty or progeny is a violation of the parasitic-beasts rights. The parasitic beast is because of the above entitled to coercive-unrestraint over you regardless of your dignity as a person. You have become an un-person. This parasitic-beast is the VICTIM-ORGANISM
Posted by: asdfghjl | November 29, 2004 at 06:10 AM
One spectacular. Thats all the mens movement needs to get off the ground. One big nasty spectacular.
Posted by: jlo | November 29, 2004 at 10:23 AM
My brother's ex-wife has petitioned the court to move to North Carolina with their 8 year old little girl (at present they live in New Jersey)and the court date is January 13. His attorney has told him it doesn't look good. He is devaststed. I live in the UK and have heard aof F4J and hoped their was a similar, already existing organization in the States for him to contact. Is their anyone he can call?
Posted by: Christine | December 12, 2004 at 12:34 AM
How can we contact you? When will F4J be up and running in the US? I'm in Boston. How can we sign up for direct action?
Posted by: Joe Noel | December 22, 2004 at 06:20 PM
I look forward to the long awaited introduction of the Fathers 4 Justice mission into
the mainstream consciousness of the people of the U.S.
I continue to fight tooth and nail to remain in my daughter's life; though now most often a battle of patience, wit, and will.
I've never seen justice, equality, or due process in this fight.
Count me in!!!!
please forward contact and/or action info.
We are currently challenging the family law system in WV and many other states with
class actions against state governments, but media attention is lacking!
I currently contribute to madmenunited, WVmad.
'would love to help out F4J in the US.
An uphill battle we will win!
[email protected]
Posted by: JS | December 25, 2004 at 03:33 AM
As the US coordinator for Fathers-4-Justice, things are going well. With little publicity or fanfare currently, there is much enthusiasm from people who are already aware of the group and want to be involved. (My thanks to the host of this web site for his work in helping with that.) I am enjoying putting the contacts together on a state-by-state basis as I work to create a solid F4J-US infrastructure.
I have a new email address, [email protected], to match the web site that is not official yet but will be soon, www.fathers-4-justice.us. Currently in test mode, if you visit it now you can see television coverage of one of the dozen or so December 17 US Santa demos that took place in support of F4J.
If you are interested in being a part of F4J-US, please contact me. An even better way to stay informed now might be by joining the F4J-US Yahoo group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/f4jusa/.
Let's work together for a successful New Year in which the rights of children will replace the current system of divorce industry sponsored child abuse.
Posted by: Jamil Jabr | December 30, 2004 at 12:03 AM
As the US coordinator for Fathers-4-Justice, things are going well. With little publicity or fanfare currently, there is much enthusiasm from people who are already aware of the group and want to be involved. (My thanks to the host of this web site for his work in helping with that.) I am enjoying putting the contacts together on a state-by-state basis as I work to create a solid F4J-US infrastructure.
I have a new email address, [email protected], to match the web site that is not official yet but will be soon, www.fathers-4-justice.us. Currently in test mode, if you visit it now you can see television coverage of one of the dozen or so December 17 US Santa demos that took place in support of F4J.
If you are interested in being a part of F4J-US, please contact me. An even better way to stay informed now might be by joining the F4J-US Yahoo group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/f4jusa/.
Let's work together for a successful New Year in which the rights of children will replace the current system of divorce industry sponsored child abuse.
Posted by: Jamil Jabr | December 30, 2004 at 12:03 AM
Global Santa protest http://www.amberell.com/globalsanta.html
Michigan USA http://www.michigandads.org/SantaDressRehearsal.html
Colorado USA http://www.angelfire.com/rings/denversanta/
Wisconsin http://www.liamsdad.org/f4j/wisconsin_santa/index.shtml
Virginia http://www.liamsdad.org/f4j/virginia_santa.shtml
Posted by: Ron J | December 31, 2004 at 10:58 PM
Dear Dads,
I have litigated a Custody/Visitation matter in NiagaraFalls/Buffalo New York since Oct. 14 1999. The case has never had a Custody trial, 6 Judges, two countires, 4 Law Guardians, 17 seperate "Petitions", 3 appeals, and more "lawyers" than I can count. I have been arrested, jailed for twenty months, and all without a "outcome". The best interests of my children have never been served in the "Family Court", because they have avoided trial of the custody issue. I have seen and proved the exparte' communication of Judges, criminal activity by a Law Guardian... who then refuses to answer subpoena (4) to a criminal court (Mary Donager Esq), a non-Judge "Judicial Hearing Officer" JHO M. Mix has refused to allow testimony to continue in a custody trial after it was transfered into Erie County (proper venue),... so don't feel bad. FEEL violated, abused, or simple understand it for what "IT" is. The 'system' is not in place to help you nor your children... it is in place to employ lawyers, clerks and jurists to promote paychecks for the otherwise unemployable 'bar exam' takers. Those who cannot, work in the courts.
Do NOT drive your selves into the poor house. Learn, then litigate yourselves. Lawyers, even those court appointed are not going to rock this boat. GO PRO SE!!!
James C. Kistner, 41 Schmarbeck, Upper Offices, Buffalo, New York, 14212
God Bless You All
particularly the SUPER HEROES!!!!
Posted by: James C. Kistner | January 07, 2005 at 03:01 PM
We aint talking just about seeing our kids. We talking 'bout a blast of dynamite in the face of the entire man-hating edifice, their buildings, personel and all ... ... So this means a whole lot of bitching, fueding, scrapping, and shanking brought onto the open streets of New York, Paris London, Sydney, Torronto etc. etc
Posted by: staylo | January 09, 2005 at 10:45 PM
I have been a stay at home DAD with three boys for 10 years. I then became a single father in 2001 after 9-11 when the boy's mother was in fear a plane may crash into her office building in Louisville, ky. She stated she did not want to be unhappy any longer and moved into a one-bedroom apartment.
She gets the kids every other weekend and life has been a battle to keep the kids stable. She has persued legal action and keeps winning to my financial and emotional detriment. She has just forced the sale of the family home and has over $100,000 new cash persue her "out for the kill" threat. I got stuck with the debt.
Soon the full impact of her actions will affect the kids permanently. Because of this legal nightmare, I am running out of resources and the consequences are not in the "best interest of the children."
Please view my site http://www.insfraud.com/index2.htm for some information on one of the major causes of my financial and emotional distress.
Please contact me with any ideas so the tragedy other children face because they are caught in legal battles is not brought to our three kids.
This mess is preventable. I just need more help. Her latest harassment has my fiancee stating she no longer wants anything to do with that crazy woman.
This letter is not just some guy whining about being abused...
It is about one caring father trying his best to help his kids grow up.
Please help me anyway you can!!!
PS If anyone needs web work or search engine marketing please visit me at http://www.webright.net/
Posted by: The Little Guy | March 01, 2005 at 02:49 PM
Calling all Men and Women fighting for change.
Many of you have a lot to be angry about. Many you are just happy to be allowed to see your kids. All of us are united because we know things are wrong. Make a difference to yourself and to your kids. Your kids will be proud to know you fought for them.
We the members of BANCA are requesting all Shared Parenting/Fathers' Rights groups and organizations to participate in our first all California wide gathering on May 7, 2005 Saturday before Mothers Day. (Generally most non custodial fathers' will not have their children during this time.) BANCA will host the meeting. This gathering is urged at the request of the Board of Directors of BANCA.
Appropriate location is being determined. We want the meeting area to be near all major traffic arteries (major highway, airports, trains) with adequate parking and service access areas. Recommendations are encouraged until April 2, 2005.
Each and every fathers' support organization is invited to participate and request they encourage their members to attend. A few of the known organizations are:
American Coalition for Fathers and Children, National Fatherhood Initiatives, The National Alliance for Court Justice, Fathers 4 Justice, Men Enabling New Solutions, Mensforum, Coaliton of Parental Support, Livebeat DADS, Panhandle Regional Affiliates, Fathers on Rights for Custody Equality. These are but a few of our partners.
A steering committee is being established and will provide follow up information prior to April 5, 2005. A general session panel will be established as well as break out meeting on specific topics. We anticipate about 100 serious minded persons to attend.
I will be contacting national organizations to participate and support the program.
We encourage semi-business attire or approriate casual.
Donations to make this statewide gathering is requested and needed.
Gene Jackson
Executive Director BANCA
Posted by: Gene Jackson | March 19, 2005 at 10:08 AM
The First Tv Documentary, "Fathers without Rights, Babies for Profit" is going out across the nation. Episode 1 of 5.
Dads from a Dozen different states tell it like it really is, and CPS be damned. This is a educational tool. And I hope a lot of NCPs take advantage and get it on their local Public Access.
Once we gather enough UNITY nation-wide, and action on the County level, things will change for the better.
Wm Wagener
Posted by: William J. Wagener | April 29, 2005 at 06:12 AM
Michael Jackson,
will be found Not guilty on all counts in late May or early June. Wed and Thursday, Debby Roe Jackson, his ex-wife and mother of his two oldest, Paris and Prince, expressed that Michael was a good father and a gentle person, a "wonderful person", and basically accused Atty. Mark Staffel of being the ringleader of a nasty bunch bent on causing M J. Jackson problems, so they could profit from them.
This was suppose to be the "Surprise Witness" to get M.J. Jackson convicted. The Prosecution has lost.
I have asked a Jackson family friend to have Michaels divorced and re-married brother to come to the Nat. Father Conf. June 17th, in Detroit.
Wm Wagener
Posted by: William J. Wagener | April 29, 2005 at 06:31 AM
I need help in south Dakota with a custody case please please if anyone can help me please respond
Posted by: santos | March 28, 2008 at 08:21 PM