Jason Hatch, Batman, and David Pyke, Robin, will not be charged for their Fathers 4 Justice protest at Buckingham Palace in September.
Jason spent several hours on a Buckingham Palace ledge before coming down and being arrested. David Pyke was arrested whilst trying to get onto the roof. Both have now been told they face no charges.Since trespassing is a civil matter in England, unless accompanied by violence or some kind of intimidation or crime, the person can be removed from the premises but no criminal charge is involved. Originally it was suggested that Jason would be charged with criminal damage, to some wire that keeps pigeons off the ledge.
It has had one good result for Jason.
<blockquote>The stunt led to one good result, he said: his ex-wife has agreed to let him watch his children perform in their school play next week. "That is something I have never had before," he said. </blockquote>
Full story at CBC at <a href="http://www.cbc.ca/cp/world/041207/w120728.html">Fathers rights protester escapes punishment for Buckingham Palace stunt</a>
"Permission" to see and be seen by one own progeny!.
Dear sir/fellow grandees of the mens movement your political activity misses the point of a movement for change. The days of old where every one knew their place and productive and reproductive function are gone for ever. Repeatingly requesting a return to It also plays into the hands of detractors.
The spirits and energy of tens of millions of dormant masess remain unmoved to the cause until a language ameanable and understood by them is used in this war. Such a language is one also understood by the target menace of misandry its institutions and implimentors.
Posted by: ercvfdt | December 08, 2004 at 10:30 AM
You just gotta read this slave man you just gotta http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1367975,00.html
Posted by: mnhyvb | December 09, 2004 at 06:49 PM