A meeting on Monday between civil rights group Fathers 4 Justice and Lord Filkin the Minister for the Family Courts ended in deadlock. The group have now decided to withdraw from any further negotiations and are planning to roll out their campaign of civil disruption across the country.
Said F4J Founder Matt O'Connor who was at the meeting 'The government had nothing to promise families or our members. There was also nothing to suggest that they understand the gravity of the situation or the crisis in family law. They say that they are listening to our concerns but they have been listening for 30 years and done nothing about it. If they don't act immediately, then we will.'
'We have exhausted every avenue in our search for a solution but to no avail which leaves civil disruption and disobedience as our only option. 20,000 children will lose partial or total contact with their fathers in the next 6 months. For the government to sit there while Rome literally burns is unforgivable, especially so a government run by two self proclaimed committed fathers. Gordon Brown recently said 'nothing matters more than being a father' so why isn't this right at the top of the political agenda?'
F4J are holding a further round of national meetings next week in London, Manchester, Gloucester and Newcastle in preparation for the campaign and next months Labour Party Spring Conference in Manchester where 'superhero dads' are expected to be in action although F4J will not confirm exactly what action is likely to be taken.
Fathers 4 Justice
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