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michael savell

women are smarter,better arguers and better at managing.they are not stupid enough to get themselves killed in unwinnable fights.Men are cannon fodder,brawn is out.Women live longer and are easier on the eye-quite a few advantages.We men might not like it but a gynarchy is on the way.


Actually the opposite when you think about it.
When people keep convincing themselves that they're superior in some small way here or there and in some other way they start to lose touch with what one really needs to succeed.

Then they don't succeed the way they hoped to,
and then they do one of two things:
- become misanthropes and and blame the universe.
- re-evaluate their approach.

Men tend to do a better job of the latter.
Women don't. But that means that we'll be stuck with the leftovers of their stridency once again.

But all decent men do their best in the interest of civilization - which, by the way, is the subtext to why manhaters hate.

allbest -

tom martin

men need to get over their fear of offending women. I find they often take offence to talk of men's rights; but they'd probably take offence if I was trying to placate them too. Damned if i do, damned if I don't, so I DO men's rights. Their innitial hostility is standard, but perversely, they soon get over it, often becoming curious (and i do mean sexually curious). I've always had to work at attracting women. So working for men's rights is a win/win thing.


I find it very sexy and erroctic to let Women be in charge of everything including me! I would love to live under a society conducted by Females in charge!I think it all can work best if us guys were only concerned about helping them succeed and get to the top of things! I am very strong and masculine a man who loves to be submissive to Females! I want to be viewed as a Gals helper rather than Her leader! JoeyMars..

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