Bernard Chapin was an interesting column over at MensNewsDaily.
The other day I ran across a newspaper report of a most remarkable and bizarre study wherein the researchers decided to examine the responses of 24 white college students to determine the hidden racial beliefs of white Americans overall. The students were shown ambiguous facial expressions in pictures of both blacks and whites. As a result of their recorded reactions, the researchers (headed by a Professor Bodenhausen) found that the students were more likely to read hostility in the faces of black Americans than in those of their fellow whites. Another experiment of theirs reached a similar conclusion when the subjects, after being confronted with the faces of mixed race individuals, displayed a greater propensity to regard them as black if their appearances happened to be hostile.Read the full article at Promoting Racial Hatred at Northwestern University
On the basis of these experiments, the Chicago Sun-Times happily reported without qualification that,
“White Americans who believe that people shouldn't be judged by their skin color can still subconsciously exhibit racial bias, according to new research from a Northwestern University psychologist.”