Some comments have come up about the relative intelligence of men and women. On BBC - "If... women ruled the world" - Don't Blink You Might Miss The Men Talking Michael says
women are smarter,better arguers and better at managing.they are not stupid enough to get themselves killed in unwinnable fights.Men are cannon fodder,brawn is out.Women live longer and are easier on the eye-quite a few advantages.We men might not like it but a gynarchy is on the way.Ah, The Master Sex is on its way! Or should that be Mistress Sex? Michael seems to have bought the propaganda…
Women smarter? Very debatable. More of that later. Women better arguers? More persistent and tenacious does not mean better. Men getting killed in unwinnable fights? Let's leave Iraq then; let's not go after Al Qaeda. We might lose. A hero dies only once. A coward dies many times. Women live longer? Better health care has created this. Early last century men and women had about the same lifespan. Women are easier on the eye? Only to men. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lion wouldn't find women easier on the eye, just a smaller snack. A Martian wouldn't find women easier on the eye. We'd all look alike to him. (Obviously if Martians have a sex, then he's a male. Females don't go exploring other planets). Gynarchy on it's way? Over my dead body. (Form an orderly queue please). Anyway, gynarchy would be a failure. The only way women have got most of what they want, for the last 5 millions years, is to get men to get it for them. Destroy or undermine men and you will lose a lot of the drive and inventiveness that got the human race where it is today. Unless women grow up they will kill the goose that laid the golden egg and then wonder why the eggs have stopped.
In Boys the second sex. Ritalin and girl's programmes could create lonely women and slow the economy with skills shortages Ball writes
Men are more inteligent than woman. For all the crotch lickers out there I would say if you don't like men than try to do without everything we awful white male ever invented.As well as pointing out the high regard with which he holds feminists and/or lesbians Ball points out the obvious fact that men have invented most of the things around you. Sally however says
It is a fact that males are more inteligent than females. Girls out perform boys until the higher grades but it is a fact that females stop maturing at age 16 and male continue to mature into their 20s.
If the rug munchers ever think they can dominate the male they have better think about replacing their batteries and get their penis envy in check.
I came across this page and pissed myself laughing at the comments of "Ball". "Men are more "INTELIGENT"????!!! Someone buy this wanker a dictionary! Learn to spell FFS! As for the "maturing" comment, I would argue that Omega-males such as he NEVER fully mature . I hope this person isn't actually defective in any way , as that would make me Evil as opposed to INTELLIGENT. ROFFLMAO !!! (Apologies to Ball's CareWorker)Rather than argue with him, Sally complains about the one spelling error in Ball’s post. On the central point she would lose so instead she attacks him, rather than the argument, and with the usual “Silly man” sneer. It does nothing for the argument. In fact it may prove the opposite. Sally prefers to argue emotionally, rather than logically. Not a good recommendation for women’s intelligence.
But who is more intelligent, men or women? Why not take this test from the Science Museum, London (about a minute to do) What sex is your brain? and then read on. From the BBC, Science & Nature, Hot Topics, Intelligence page, this illustrates in a simple way that men and women think differently and have different strengths and weaknesses. It is therefore difficult to compare the two. Moreover other areas have started to be called intelligence. From Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence, or EI is the ability to understand your own emotions and those of people around you. The concept of emotional intelligence, developed by Daniel Goleman, means you have a self-awareness that enables you to recognise feelings and helps you manage your emotions.This seems to be bending over backwards to call any emotional skill an intelligence; and, of course, women have it and men don’t. Men on the other hand still contribute the most to science and technology. Affirmative action for women scientists because of supposed prejudice will not help.On a personal level, it involves motivation and being able to focus on a goal rather than demanding instant gratification. A person with a high emotional intelligence is also capable of understanding the feelings of others. Culturally, they are better at handling relationships of every kind.
The ability to interact well with others and having a good group of friends, means students are more likely to remain in education, whereas those with emotional difficulties tend to drop out
The point is that finding out who is more intelligent is problematic and when you start devising others ways to call someone intelligent, then it becomes obvious that this is not about an objective evaluation of a person’s thinking ability. It’s about trying to pretend something I could not agree. It’s about trying to pretend that one sex is superior to another sex.