YOU ARE WANTED! The United Equal Parenting Conference – The Way Forward is almost here!
It’s a week Saturday in London. A conference to discuss the best way forward for children's rights and equal parenting including mutual support, media campaigning, political lobbying, protest, marches and non-violent direct action. Come and give your opinion on what’s the best way forward for equal parenting. We’ve got authors, including Neil Lyndon (“No More Sex War”) and Barry Worrall (“Without Authority”). We’ve got various equal parenting groups. (We could fit in one or two more speakers for short spots so if you think you can do it or know someone who can, let us know.) There will be a press release soon about it.
The thing we want most is YOU. The conference is about the interaction of all those who pursue the fight for children’s rights and the rights for both mum and dad to parent equally after a divorce or relationship breakdown. Come along and share your views and hear the views and ideas of others. Visit for more details.
Raymond Cuttill
United Equal Parenting Conference
i'm a female,,, looking for adoptive sister i came across this website. My mother and father decided to give my older sister a better life that they could not give her. i understand that. i think that your website is downgrading to women and that you think men are superior to women, i fell that it takes a male and female to make a child and that they both should deal with i think that men that leave their responsibity are cowards and for the abortion part how can you kil a part of you, would you cut your penis off no then don't be pissed off when the mother of your child gives it a better life because your still immature asshole that is to self centered to do the right thing you people make me what to spit on you and i hope that you know that your just as much responsible as the women are Asshole
I hope that you find this enlightening hahah men
Posted by: Jessica | June 11, 2006 at 03:20 AM
men that visit this site, kiss women ass because your are NO beter than we are
Posted by: Jessica | June 11, 2006 at 03:22 AM