Protesting fathers will close bridges, roads and railways across the country in the run up to Fathers Day says a dad who has this morning scaled the roof of Plymouth Crown Court.
Just days after Spiderman protestor Dave Chick was cleared of causing a public nuisance in Southwark Crown Court, angry dads from the group Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) have this morning again scaled another court roof, this time in Plymouth, Devon to announce that the Court has been voted the worst in Britain by F4J members for the second year running.
Jolly Stanesby, 35, a registered childminder from Ivybridge, Devon and Gary Swain, 36, a builder from Crewkerne, Somerset are dressed as their children's favourite superheroes Batman and Spiderman respectively.
The protestors say they are planning on staying up for as long in protest at the treatment of fathers by the court. Dave Chick's Tower Bridge protest lasted 6 days last November and caused traffic chaos and just two weeks ago other protestors from the group temporarily closed Worcester Court in a similar protest. Recent demonstrations by the group in Plymouth have seen the Tamar Bridge closed.
Said F4J activist Jolly Stanesby, 'It is nearly 4 weeks to Fathers Day (20th June). On 18th June we will be holding our Fathers Day Civil Rights March in London entitled 'D-Day: Day of the Dad' which many fathers from this area will be attending.'
'It is our intention to escalate our campaign of civil disruption and disobedience combining direct action to undermine the authority of the Family Courts and civil disruption to the transport network to highlight the fact that many fathers will be denied access to their kids by the Family Courts this Fathers Day.
Mr Stanesby went on to say 'As we start our campaign for Fathers Day, many bridges, motorways and railways right across the country are likely to be closed by protests as fathers vent their anger at the government.'
The protests take place as the government prepare to publish a Green Paper in early June about the contact problems facing fathers but F4J say that what is likely to be published in nothing but a sham.
Said F4J Founder Matt O'Connor 'Fathers Day along with Christmas is a difficult time for many fathers who are denied access to their kids by the Family Courts. The government are promising a consultation paper but who needs to be consulted when all courts need to do is to enforce the 50% of all court orders that are broken? A large part of this problem would vanish overnight if the the rule of law was applied properly. Instead good, loving fathers are forced into law breaking by the inaction of the government.'
'Desperate dads have had enough. Whereas in the past they jumped off bridges, now they climb them. It wouldn't surprise us to see further disruption in the coming weeks.'
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