PRESS RELEASE 27th July 2005
The Equal Parenting direct action campaign group Real Fathers For Justice today launched its protest high above the streets of Manchester. One street in particular, Coronation Street, the current scene of a fictional Family Court room battle.
A daring campaigner is aloft a crane outside Granada Studios dressed in an alien suit with a banner demanding a STOP to Parental Alienation.
They are also supporting the street character Steve McDonald who is facing what 1000’s of real fathers face each year; a controlled and concerted effort to frustrate and jeopardise a father / child relationship.
The story line may seem out of this world but what Steve McDonald is facing is a regular occurrence in the twilight zone that is British Family Law, which is light years behind.
Like some Sci-Fi script, fathers see their children abducted by their ex’s who appear to have been taken over by an invasion of the body snatchers, assisted by the Predators of Family Courts, the solicitors and barristers who seek to terminate fathers’ existence.
Steve McDonalds close encounter is shared with the viewing nation, whereas most parents enter the real secrecy of the Family Court Black Hole where visibility of the real pain, misery, deceit and lack of accountability never escapes to public gaze.
In this warped world, fathers are considered alien, and children are made to feel like an abandoned E.T whose only hope for contact is via a court sanctioned phone home.
Real Fathers For Justice are campaigning for a complete overhaul of the failing Family Judicial System and a change in the current Family Law to establish a Bill of Rights for the family, parental rights for the presumption of parenting, and the removal of bias and gender discrimination that is the scourge of the current system.
Established in May 2005, as a continuation of the Fathers 4 Justice campaign, the Real Fathers For Justice continues to take peaceful non-violent direct action forward until a real and measured change is made. Until then the campaign continues and will keep the issue live in the hearts and minds of the public to increase the pressure for change. The Labour Government has failed to address the real issues and avoids the investment that is needed to reform the out dated and ineffectual Family Judicial System, which is truly Britain secret shame.
The truth is out there.
For more information visit the website:
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